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Smart tags for cool pets!

Because owning a pet was never intended to be boring.


Pet Dandy pet tags were created by and for pet lovers and are designed to appeal to pet owners of all generations. Owning a pet is one of the most fun things in life and we believe the tags we put on our pets should not be boring!

Pet Dandy pet tags are ‘smart’ due to the fact they include a complimentary pet loss retrieval system called Each tag has a unique ID number pre-engraved ensuring lost pets can be reunited with their owners at a click.

Pet Dandy want your pets to be safe and stylish, and we’ve made sure that our tags deliver on both fronts. The tag designs are unique, fun and fashionable and are perfectly suited for dogs & cats of all sizes. Each PetDandy tag comes with a lifetime loss protection service. Once registered on you’ll be able to build a full pet profile, including a picture of your pet, your contact details and any medical or dietary information about your pet. 
We have 2 families of tags, each consisting of 10 stylish designs. We call them the Emoji collection & Fun collection. We hope you enjoy them!

smart pet tags pet dandy

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    © 2018 Help a Hound Proudly created by M Reynolds 

    Scottish Incorporated Charitable Organisation SC045405


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